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Michele Feeney is an award-winning writer and lawyer, teacher, wife, and mother of five children. She resides in Arizona and in Michigan, where she owns part of a Christmas tree farm her ancestors homesteaded in 1850. Michele pursued her passion for creative writing for 20 years before she earned an MFA from Bennington College in June 2022 in the genres of fiction and nonfiction. Her first novel, Like Family, will be released by Black Rose Writing in August 2024. 

Michele began her creative writing career almost 20 years ago, starting with an online short story class offered by Writer's Digest. Since then, she has continually taken online and in-person classes, and attended many conferences, including several sessions of the University of Michigan's Bear River Writing Conference and the Breadloaf Writing Conference. She has served as an assistant editor for Narrative Magazine since 2017, evaluating both "Story of the Week" and "Six-Word-Story" submissions. She is also a member of the Advisory Board for the Literary & Prologue Society of the Southwest. 

Having raised five children (biological and adopted) and welcomed three grandchildren, Michele managed navigating the COVID-19 pandemic as a family affair. While doing so, she remembered a story told to her by her grandmother and was inspired to imagine how families and community members in rural Michigan navigated their way through the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918.  That story inspired her first novel, Like Family

Michele is currently working on short stories, a book of essays about a young man incarcerated in the Arizona Department of Corrections system, and the second volume of the Like Family, which will be a series.