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Bright Side Book Shop- March 7th


Join Michele for her next book event at Brigth Side Book Shop on March 7th.


18 N San Francisco St, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Book Club- Central High School


Michele will be attending the Central High School Book Club on Febrary 25th at 6:00pm. 


Please get in contact if you'd like to join!

Ann Arbor Book Festival- February 22nd 

Michele will be attending the Ann Arbor Book Festival on February 22nd. 


Please contact us if you'd like to see her there!

Schuler Books- February 22nd


Michele will be hosting a book signing at Schuker Books on February 22nd from 11:00 am.


2513 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, United States

Book Club - January 27th

Michele will be attending the Book Club of her friend Pauline, on January 27th from 4:30 pm- 6:30 pm. 


Please get in contact us if you'd like to join us!

St. Clair County Genealogy & History Society- January 23rd


Michele will be hosting a reading book signing at St. Clair County Library on January 23rd at 7:00 pm.


210 McMorran Blvd, Port Huron, MI 48060

Poisoned Pen Bookstore- January 15th


Join Michele for her next book event at Posioned Pen Boosktore on January 15th at 12:00 pm.


4014 N Goldwater Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Anticus Art Gallery- December 14th



Michele will be hosting a book signing at Anticus Art Gallery on December 14th from 1:00-4:00 pm.


3922 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85251, United States